Zebra 3S GenICam feature reference
Zebra 3S GenICam feature reference

Zebra 3S GenICam feature reference

This chapter lists both custom and standard GenICam features of Zebra 3S. For more information about the GenICam standard, refer to the GenICam Standard Feature Naming Convention, available on the GenICam website at: http://www.emva.org/standards-technology/genicam. Note that this chapter lists the features in the order that they appear in Aurora Imaging Capture Works.

As per the GenICam Standard

In situations where multiple instances of a feature exists, a selector feature is used to index the instance to access/modify. A selector feature is a separate feature whose name ends with Selector and is typically an IEnumeration or an IInteger. A selector feature selects the target features for subsequent changes. In this document, if a feature is dependent on a selector, the selector is listed in square brackets below the feature name.
In some cases, a feature might appear in multiple categories. This is only for clarity or convenience when accessed through a GUI (such as, Aurora Imaging Capture Works). If a feature has the same name, it is the same feature. This is also true for selector features.
Note that all features that are settable can also be inquired. This only applies to features that are settable and not to features that are commands.

Image Format Control

The Image Format Control category groups GenICam features that control the components and format of the transmitted data. This includes which components are transmitted and their format.
Feature Name
Feature Value
Sets which component to control. You should only enable required components because transmitting additional components reduces the maximum frame rate. Some of these components might not be available with certain settings.
Specifies the intensity component. This stores a 2D representation of the scene. There is a one-to-one correspondence with the 3D points, and provides texture for the point cloud. The color of the points is based on TextureSource (for example, Color, Focus, and LED). When TextureSource is set to Color, it is a transformed version of the image taken with the color camera, such that it aligns with the 3D points.
Specifies the range component. This component stores 3D distance or position information. If Scan3dOutputMode is set to ProjectedC, the range component is stored in Coord3D_C16 pixel format, and the 3D sensor is said to output its 3D data in depth map format. If Scan3dOutputMode is set to CalibratedABC_Grid, the range component is stored in Coord3D_ABC32f_Planar pixel format, and the 3D sensor is said to output its 3D data in point cloud format.
Specifies the confidence component. Each pixel of the confidence component indicates how accurate the value at the corresponding position in the range component is. If the value is 0, the point is not valid and if it is above 0, the point is considered valid. Areas with higher confidence are brighter and invalid points are black.
Specifies the A coordinate map component. This component represents the A coordinates map (for example X) necessary to calculate the true X-coordinate of the corresponding range value, for depth maps output from the 3D sensor (Scan3dOutputMode is set to ProjectedC). The component must use a Coord3D_Axx pixel format.
Note that typically, you should not enable this component. The Zebra GigE Vision driver downloads the A and B coordinate maps when required (when not grabbing) and stores them in a cache associated with the Camera step. When grabbing, the GigE Vision driver will add the maps to the grab container (along with grabbed data such as range, intensity, and confidence) so that the depth map can be converted more accurately to a point cloud if necessary. This approach saves Ethernet bandwidth and increases the frame rate.
Specifies the B coordinate map component. This component represents the B coordinates map (for example Y) necessary to calculate the true Y-coordinate of the corresponding range value, for depth maps output from the 3D sensor (Scan3dOutputMode is set to ProjectedC). The component must use a Coord3D_Bxx pixel format.
Note that typically, you should not enable this component. See above.
Specifies the normals component. This indicated the orientation of the scanned surface with respect to the device. Each pixel of the normals component indicates the normal of the corresponding position in the range component. Note that this component cannot be visualized in Aurora Imaging Capture Works.
Specifies the color camera component. This stores the raw color image taken from the color camera.
ComponentEnable [ComponentSelector]
Sets if the selected component is active.
Specifies that the selected component is active.
Specifies that the selected component is not active.

Scan 3D Control

The Scan 3D Control category groups GenICam features specifically related to the acquisition of 3D data.
Feature Name
Feature Value
Sets in which mode to output 3D data.
Specifies to output 3D data in a point cloud format. This will convert the selected peaks to explicit real-world XYZ-coordinates, whereby the X, Y, and Z coordinates are stored in separate bands of the range component as 32-bit floating point (32F) values.
Specifies to output 3D data in projective depth map format. This will convert the selected peaks to real world depth; the range component only stores the Z-coordinates value, in 32-bit floating point. X and Y-coordinates are computed from the Z value and the pixel positions using projective geometry model.

Capturing Settings - Scanner

The Capturing Settings - Scanner category groups GenICam features generally related to the acquisition of 3D data when using Scanner mode.
Feature Name
Feature Value
Sets which texture information to output for the point cloud when using Scanner mode. The options will only apply when you are in Scanner mode.
Specifies to use an LED texture on your point cloud. An additional image is taken with an LED flash from the projection unit. This provides a speckle free 2D grayscale image.
Specifies to use a computed texture on your point cloud. This texture is computed from structured light patterns and does not require any additional images to be taken. This is useful for investigating the light conditions of the scene. Some speckle might be visible from the laser noise.
Specifies to use the laser texture on your point cloud. This will capture an additional image that is illuminated only with a laser diode flash. This is useful for investigating contrast and lighting conditions of the scene.
Specifies to use the focus texture. This will use a single structured light pattern as the texture and is useful for evaluating the contrast. This feature is only available in Scanner mode.
Specifies to use the color texture on your point cloud. This will capture an additional image that is illuminated with a white LED flash. The RGB intensity that is captured from this image is then mapped onto each point in the range component to display a speckle-free 2D color (RGB) texture. This is only available on the 3S80 models.
Sets the duration of projection for one pattern in μsec.
Sets the power of the laser that is projected from the unit.

Capturing Settings - Camera

The Capturing Settings - Camera category groups GenICam features generally relate to the acquisition of 3D data when using Camera mode.
Feature Name
Feature Value
Sets which operation mode to use. Be aware that whether you are using Camera or Scanner mode, you will need to use this feature to set the mode.
Specifies to use Camera mode. This mode captures dynamic scenes and moving objects in high resolution. This feature value is only available on the Zebra 3S80 models.
Specifies to use Scanner mode. This mode captures static scenes in high resolution.
Specifies to use 2D mode. This mode captures textures only.
Sets the duration of the main camera exposure in μsec.
Sets the structure of the points of the output 3D point cloud.
Specifies to output point cloud points using raw organization. Points are organized into a checkerboard grid. This is the fastest output topology.
Regular Grid
Specifies to output point cloud points using regular grid organization. All 3D points of this topology are properly estimated without the use of interpolation.
Full Grid
Computes 3D points on the native sensor resolution (2 MP), as in the Scanner mode. Transfer and computation time are impacted. Acquisition is identical to using other Output Topologies in the Camera mode, which makes it suitable for scenes in motion.
Sets which texture information to use on the point cloud when using camera mode. The options will only apply when you are in Camera mode.
Specifies to use the computed texture on your point cloud. This texture is computed from structured light patterns and does not require any additional images to be taken. This is useful for investigating the light conditions of the scene. Some speckle might be visible from the laser noise. Note that this option is the same as Scanner mode's Computed texture.
Specifies to use an LED texture on your point cloud. An additional image is taken with an LED flash from the projection unit. This provides a speckle free 2D greyscale image.
Specifies to use the color texture on your point cloud. This will capture an additional image that is illuminated with a white LED flash. The RGB intensity that is captured from this image is then mapped onto each point in the range component to display a speckle-free 2D color (RGB) texture. This is only available on the 3S80 models.

Color Camera Settings

The Color Camera Settings category groups GenICam features specifically related to the acquisition of color image data.
Feature Name
Feature Value
Sets the ISO value for images acquired in color.
Sets the exposure (in ms) for images acquired by the color camera.
Sets the resolution for images acquired in color.
3864 x 2192
Specifies to use a resolution of 3864 x 2192.
1932 x 1096
Specifies to use a resolution of 1932 x 1096.
1288 x 730
Specifies to use a resolution of 1288 x 730.
Returns the width of the acquired image in pixels.
Returns the height of the acquired image in pixels.
Sets the gamma value for images acquired in color.
Set whether to enable white balance for images acquired in color.
Specifies to enable white balancing.
Specifies to disable white balancing.
Sets the white balance preset to use when white balancing images acquired in color.
Specifies to use a custom white balance preset.
Sets the white balance value for the red channel. This value can be a floating-point value ranging from 0 to 1.
Sets the white balance value for the blue channel. This value can be a floating-point value ranging from 0 to 1.
Sets the white balance value for the green channel. This value can be a floating-point value ranging from 0 to 1.
Sets whether to compute a custom white balance, based on the values set for ColorSettings_WhiteBalanceR, ColorSettings_WhiteBalanceG, and ColorSettings_WhiteBalanceB.
Specifies to calculate a custom white balance value based on previously defined values for R, G, and B channels.
Specifies not to calculate a custom white balance.
Returns supported ISO values for color images. To see the values, click on the Register editor field next to the feature name in the feature browser.
Returns supported exposure values for color images. To see the values, click on the Register editor field next to the feature name in the feature browser
Returns supported capturing modes for color images. To see the values, click on the Register editor field next to the feature name in the feature browser
Returns supported white balance presets for color images.To see the values, click on the Register editor field next to the feature name in the feature browser
Sets whether to remove false colors from the acquired image. False colors can be caused by occlusions and lighting differences in the perspective of the color camera, resulting in falsely colored points.
Specifies to remove false colors from the acquired image.
Specifies not to remove false colors from the acquired image.