Hot Swap Mode
Hot Swap Mode

Hot Swap Mode

The device provides a Hot Swap mode where the user can replace the battery without powering off the device.
When the user removes the battery, the display turns off and the device enters a low power state while in Hot Swap mode. In Hot Swap mode, the device retains RAM data for approximately 5 minutes. Replace the battery within 5 minutes to preserve memory persistence. If the user does not install a charged battery within 5 minutes, data in RAM will be lost. During Hot Swap mode, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth remain connected for 30 seconds. If the battery is not inserted within 30 seconds, Wi-Fi is disabled and then re-enabled when the device comes out of Hot Swap mode and Bluetooth is reset when the device comes out of Hot Swap mode.
To prevent damage to the device, do not perform a hot swap during a device boot up session.
The supercap requires time to recharge after performing a Hot Swap or after the main battery is fully depleted. Hot Swap mode will not retain data unless the supercap is fully charged.