Same Symbol Report Timeout
Same Symbol Report Timeout
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Same Symbol Report Timeout

Parameter #
(SSI # F8h 05h 04h)
This parameter affects how the Timeout Between Decodes, Same Symbol parameter is applied.
  • *Disable -  a barcode in the decode region decodes only once, even if the barcode remains indefinitely in the region.
    The user must remove the barcode, and reintroduce the barcode into the region before it decodes a second time.
  • Enable - a barcode in the decode region decodes each time the same symbol timeout expires.
    Use Enable mode when using fast two-handed scanning of two of the same items. This usage scenario has a tendency to not decode the second of the two items. By enabling this mode the second item unconditionally decodes after the same symbol timeout expires. After enabling this setting the user may need to adjust the Timeout Between Decodes, Same Symbol so that the second item does not decode too quickly.
*Disable (0)
Enable (1)