Copying Files Manually in StageNow
Copying Files Manually in StageNow

Copying Files Manually in StageNow

This method requires users to manually copy the required ZAMS files in the kiosk folder of the extracted ZIP file to the internal storage of the kiosk, and then use the StageNow application on the kiosk to complete the installation.
See Installation Prerequisites and Cabinet and Device Configuration Files to learn how to download the appropriate APK and configuration files from
  1. Copy the following files into the
    folder in the kiosk:
    • AmsCore.apk
    • AMSKioskPermissions.xml
    • AmsUi.apk
    • cabinet.config
    • mac_randomisation.xml
    • ZamsKioskA11PlusStoragePermissions.xml
    The Download folder in kiosk
  2. Open the
    application in the kiosk.
    StageNow in the kiosk
  3. Open the
    PDF file in the extracted zipped file.
    See step 5 in Downloading the Latest ZAMS Software to locate the PDF file.
  4. With the StageNow application running, scan the barcodes in the
    PDF file so that the ZAMS application can be installed and configured automatically on the kiosk.
    Scan barcodes with StageNow
ZAMS is now installed in the kiosk.