Configuring Profile Manager to Support Azure AD
Configuring Profile Manager to Support Azure AD

Configuring Profile Manager to Support Azure AD

The Profile Manager configuration requires five elements; each element can be derived from the Well-Known URL based on the Azure Configuration or the Token Certificate.
  1. Enter each of the elements in the
    OAuth Details
    screen, as shown in the following example:
    Fields Description Details
    Host URL
    This is the customer domain. The Host URL is the prefix for the Authentication and Token Path,  https is assumed and automatically added by the system.
    Authentication Path
    The Authentication Path is appended to the authorization_endpoint as captured in the JSON response from the Well-Known URL.
    Token Path
    The token path is appended to the token_endpoint as captured in the JSON response from the Well-Known URL.
    Client ID
    and the Application ID from Azure AD.
    Client Secret Key
    Token Username
    The Token Name can be determined by using the JWT.IO website to examine the access token retrieved by Postman.
    Client Authentication
    Send client credentials in the body.