Configuring the Token
Configuring the Token

Configuring the Token

Configure the security tokens so that Zebra PTT Pro users can authenticate.
  1. From the
    Token configuration
    menu, select
      from Token type. Enable the
    Given Name
    Family Name
    , and
    as well as any other attributes the customer may require.
  2. From the
    Expose an API
    menu tab, select
    +Add a scope
    Application ID URI
    is automatically populated.
  3. Enter the
    scope name
    Admin consent name,
    , and
  4. From
    Who can consent
    ,  select
  5. When done, select
    add scope
  6. After the scope has been added,  select the
    Add a client application
    . Add the client ID and select the Authorized scopes. The client ID can be found on the overview page of the Azure instance.
  7. Add the
    client ID
    , and select the
    Authorized scopes
    . The client ID can be found on the overview page of the Azure instance.