About this Guide
About this Guide

About this Guide

This guide provides application programming interface (API) information for writing applications that use
PTT Pro for Android
. The guide assumes that the reader is familiar with
PTT Pro for Android
as well as Android intents.
The API consists of a series of intents that can be invoked through the following methods:
An Android intent can be generated using StageNow as described at techdocs.zebra.com/mx/intent/. The intent can be sent immediately, scheduled, or triggered off by pressing a button or sensor.
An Android intent can be generated from many MDMs. Examples include:
Soti Mobicontrol
Airwatch/Workspace ONE
Android application
An Android application can generate an intent to another application on the device.  For more information, refer to developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-filters .
PTT Pro for Android
receives the intent, it takes the action indicated by the intent. The available intents are detailed in the following sections and include initiating PTT Pro calls, sending messages, signing in/out of the application, and configuring the client.