Initiating and Ending a PTT Emergency call
Initiating and Ending a PTT Emergency call

Initiating and Ending a PTT Emergency call

This intent is used to initiate a PTT emergency call or to end an emergency call which is in progress. No extra parameters are supported with this intent. To initiate an emergency call, the emergency recipient must be specified in the
Workcloud Communication PTT Pro Management Portal
by editing the user, selecting the Client Settings, and specifying the Emergency Group.
If this is intent is sent during an ongoing emergency call, it ends the emergency call.


  • When initiating an emergency call, the Client Settings for the initiating user must be set to the desired Emergency Group.
  • The group must be defined in the
    Workcloud Communication PTT Pro Management Portal
    and the initiating PTT Pro user (i.e., the target of the intent) must be a member of the group.
  • The minimum required PTT Pro Android version is 3.3.10150

Intent Definition

Intent Type

ADB Example

adb shell am broadcast -a com.symbol.wfc.pttpro.ACTION_PTT_PRO_EMERGENCY_CALL
  • The emergency call is started or ended immediately upon receipt of the intent by
    PTT Pro for Android
  • If a PTT call is active when this intent is sent,
    PTT Pro for Android
    ends the active PTT call before initiating the emergency call.
  • When ending the emergency call through this intent, the emergency call is ended, but the PTT call is not. The user needs to manually to end the PTT call to exit from the current PTT call session.