BlueFletch Launcher Configuration
BlueFletch Launcher Configuration

BlueFletch Launcher Configuration

Install the BlueFletch Launcher and Authentication module. The launcher requires that a configuration file named
is saved to the mobile device.
For Android 10 and below, save
to the SD card.
This configuration file can be updated using an MDM or ADB. When the file is modified, the BlueFletch Launcher detects changes to the file and applies the changes.
For a complete list of configuration parameters, refer to the BlueFletch Documentation.
The following example
integrates with
Workcloud Communication Profile Manager
using Active Directory.
{ "configVersion": "ZebraValidation_2020.03.0.13", "license": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0eXBlIjoiQUNUSVZFIiwib3Jn SWQiOiI5NDFkNjIzZS05N2EzLTQ3MDAtYjQzZS04MzMyMjkxM2ZjOTQiLCJleHBpcm UiOjI1MjQ1MjE2MDAwMDAsImV4cGlyZUR0IjoiMjA0OS0xMi0zMSIsImdlbmVyYXRl ZER0IjoiMjAxOS0wOS0yNiIsImlhdCI6MTU2OTUxNzYwM30.s5Gc1HKhEaxXSGFqIg fq3BJTGvJjLoqMHIx0lhd5dugJW8ApAW2D_ApjGSgjSlhZ53Enkow9dBB6bElsnqkT 6cKHfC-ruUzT25G5pw0UtCHSSjt4ILJLHiIL1oZ2I0DqgoT0UQnbxe7IdOaKSDgFK6 0Odnq0Q0GAxQbVPozsRsMVD3EH3CaWF7DzYQywD4tgtJf3bGjdt5YTTUHYAlpovRAc Gy6c9nvwOZB5ubme-fiyG_v-udeusJsb9Tq_mgrIc-z1JlmhhwKnBT0bh_f6J7Ja0k BfeHMCPJuwDhRiQFXLwN3rDditRA_qPoXrbw41kVJpDFI0wfMZEi4eyDGxPA", "layouts":":{ "perfume": [ { "package": "com.bluefletch.ems.auth", "activity": "AcsAuthActivity", "label": "Sign-in to PTT" }, { "package": "com.zebra.dfs" }, { "package": "com.symbol.wfc.pttpro" }, { "package": "" }, { "label": "BlueFletch", "url":"", "icon":"/sdcard/Android/data/com.bluefletch.launcher/files/blueLauncher/bluefletch_logo.png } ], "BlueFletch":[ { "package": "" }, { "package": " }, { "package": "" }, { "label": "BlueFletch", "url": "" "icon":"/sdcard/Android/data/com.bluefletch.launcher/files/blueLauncher/bluefletch_logo.png" }, { "label": "Azure Portal", "url": "" }, } "*":[ { "label": "Bluefletch", "url": "", "icon": "/sdcard/Android/data/com.bluefletch.launcher/files/blueLauncher/bluefletch_logo.png" } { "package": "com.bluefletch.ems.peoplecounter" }, { "package": "" }, { "package": "" }, { "package": "com.bluefletch.ems.testwfcsimulator" } ] }, "settings": { "idleTimeInMinutes": 480, "maxSessionTimeInMinutes": 480, "authBrokerService": true, "useSiteInfoService": true, "defaultLocation": "No Location Set", "disallowLoggedInSiteChange": true, "clearAppDataOnLogout": true, "clearAppDataIncludeList": "com.bluefletch.ems.browser", "clearAppDataExcludeList": ", com.zebra.dfs, com.symbol.wfc.pttpro,com.symbol.wfc.voice", "authProfileManager": true, "enableNfcTapLogin": true }, "auth_oauth2": { "client_id": "com.bluefletch.ems.auth", "redirect_url": "com.bluefletch.launcher:/callback", "baseUrl": "", "authorize_url": "", "token_url": "", "logout_url": "", "scopes": "openid email profile offline_access groups", "claim_userId": "preferred_username", "claim_username": "commonname", "claim_groups": "memberof" }, "emsSupportTool": { "orgId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx" }, "theme": { "enable": "true", "darkTheme": true, "background": "", "accentColor": "#007db7", "logo": "/sdcard/Android/data/com.bluefletch.launcher/files/blueLauncher/bluefletch.png", "wallpaperImage": "topology", "duoToneWhite": "#444444", "duoToneBlack": "#242424", "blurRadius": 0, "blurPasses": 0 }, "intents": { "boot": [], "login": [ { "class": "com.bluefletch.ems.baseauth.common.profilemanager.AcsAuthActivity", "flags": 1, "package": "com.bluefletch.ems.auth", "typeIntent": "a" } ], "logout": [ { "class": "com.bluefletch.ems.baseauth.common.profilemanager.AcsLogoutActivity", "flags": 1, "package": "com.bluefletch.ems.auth", "typeIntent": "a" } ], "uncradle": [], "cradle": [], "screenOn": [] }, "extendedAttributes" : { }, "customField_old" : { "format" : "${config.ex.phone_extension}", "source" : [ { "pathfile": "/sdcard/Download/extension_dept.txt", "regex": "Ext=(.*)", "name": "Extension" }, { "pathfile": "/sdcard/Download/extension_dept.txt", "regex": "Dept=(.*)", "name": "Department" } ] }, "customField": { "format" : "${config.ex.phone_extension}" }

Device Location

The BlueFletch Launcher can determine a device's store/site based on its location, IP range, or access point MAC addresses. The example CSV below,
, should be saved to the following location on the device:
If you use a
file, ensure that the
"settings":{ … "useSiteInfoService" : true, … }
For additional information on using the
, refer to the BlueFletch Documentation.
Example CSV Data