Bulk Add Groups
Bulk Add Groups

Bulk Add Groups

The Bulk Add Groups feature allows you to batch load groups from an Excel (.CSV) sheet. On the
tab, select
Bulk Add GroupsTemplate
to download the template.
The template is in Excel format.
Bulk Add Groups Template
PTT Pro Portal template for Bulk Add Groups
The template includes the following fields:
The name displays in the portal and on the group member devices. (Required)
Group Description
The description displays on the group settings tab. (Optional)
Group Priority
Select value from the drop-down menu. Higher priority groups can interrupt other ongoing PTT calls and pull in members. (Required)
Caller Option
Select Member or Anyone from the drop-down menu. (Required)
Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu. (Required)
Join Call Options
Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu. (Required)
Allow Hiding
Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu. (Required)
Alert on Call Start
Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu. (Required)
Cleanup Call
Choose Without Initiator, With one Active Member, or Zero Active Members from the drop-down menu. Determines conditions for PTT call to end. (Required)
Max Talk Burst Duration
Enter the number of seconds between 30 and 600 for the maximum voice burst time. (Required)
Idle Timeout
Enter the number of seconds between 5 and 36000 seconds. (Required
Listen Only
Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu.  Allows members to be created with Listen Only permissions. (Required)
Save this information as a  Comma Separated Value (.CSV) file.
In the portal select the
Bulk Add Groups
button and navigate to the .CSV file. If any errors are found in the file, a pop-up window appears. Make any required corrections and attempt to upload the file again.