Bulk Add Users
Bulk Add Users

Bulk Add Users

The Bulk Add Users feature allows you to batch load users from an Excel (.CSV) sheet. On the
tab, select
Bulk Add Users Template
to download the template.
The template is in Excel format.
Bulk Add Users Template
PTT Pro Portal Bulk Add Users template as an Excel file.
The template includes the following fields:
User Login
Enter a unique user name identifying the user in the enterprise. The name must be made up of letters, numbers, and "."s, and between 3-16 characters long. Examples are John.Smith or Bus.57.
First Name
Enter the user's first name. This must be at least one character and can contain letters or numbers.
Last Name
Enter the user's last name. This must be at least three characters and can contain letters or numbers.
Phone Number / Email Address
Populate at least one of these fields. Activation messages are delivered based on these fields. If you populate both fields, the user receives both an SMS and email activation message.
The following fields use a drop-down menu for selection:
Wireless Carrier
Select the carrier for the user, required for addressing the activation SMS.
Client Type
Select the client type for the user. Options are Android, iOS, Dispatch PC, and Radio Gateway.
Activation Type
Select Activation Code for immediate activation upon upload, Inactive for manual or bulk activation later.
Maximal Contacts
Select Yes to add all department members to the new user's contact list and to include the new user in all department members’ contact lists. Select No to not change any contact lists.
The following fields are optional:
Feature Key Template
To assign an existing Feature Key Template to the new user, enter the name of the template.
Settings Template
Assign an existing Settings template.
Save this information as a  Comma Separated Value (.CSV) file.
Save Bulk Add .CSV File
PTTPro Portal Save template file as .CSV file.
The following is a sample Bulk Add with an Android phone, iPhone, Android Tablet, and a Dispatch PC.
Bulk Add Example
PTT Pro Portal Example of Bulk Add Template with user data
Open the saved .CSV file in Notepad and remove any extra spaces before or after each entry.
In the portal select the Bulk Add Users button and navigate to the .CSV file. If any errors are found in the file, a pop-up window appears. Make any required corrections and attempt to upload the file again.