Assigned Tab
Assigned Tab

Assigned Tab

View the Licenses tab by navigating to
. This tab displays the devices that have been assigned licenses.
Assigned Tab Features
In Use
In Use
indicates that the feature license is currently held by the device.
Not in Use
indicates that the license is no longer held by the device.
Not in Use (*)
indicates a premium license not currently in use by a device, but the license is still assigned to the device. This occurs, for example, when a device using a premium license logs out of the Extension Manager. To release the license, the device must be obsoleted.
Device ID
The device holding the license. Note that since WFC Voice requires a base license and one or more PBX licenses, each device ID appears multiple times.
PBX using the feature license. This matches the License column except when the Standard license is used. For Standard licenses, the License column indicates
and the Feature column indicates the specific PBX requested by the device.
The date and time when the license expires.
Activation ID associated with the feature license. Note that this is used to activate the client.
App Version
WFC Voice version used by this device is represented by the last part of the version. For example, for version 9.0.20406, only 20406 displays.
Updated/Created on
The top date/time indicates when the device was last in contact with the provisioning Manager. The bottom date/time indicates when the license was first assigned to the device.