Front Camera Video Settings

Front Camera Video Settings

  • Video quality
    - Set video quality to: 4k DCI, 4k UHD, HD 1080p (default), HD 720p, SD 480p, VGA, CIF, or QVGA.
  • Video duration
    - Set to: 30 seconds (MMS), 10 minutes, or 30 minutes (default), or no limit.
  • GPS location
    - Add GPS location information to the photo meta-data. Turn On or Off (default). (WAN only).
  • Storage
    – Set the location to store the photo to: Phone (default) or SD Card.
  • White balance
    - Select how the camera adjusts colors in different kinds of light, to achieve the most natural-looking colors.
    Incandescent setting icon
    - Adjust the white balance for incandescent lighting.
    Florescent setting icon
    - Adjust the white balance for florescent lighting.
    Auto setting icon
    - Adjust the white balance automatically (default).
    Daylight setting icon
    - Adjust the white balance for daylight.
    Cloudy setting icon
    - Adjust the white balance for a cloudy environment.
  • Image Stabilization
    - Set to reduce blurry videos due to device movement. Options: On or Off (default).