

Several parameters contribute to reconnecting a scanner when its connection to a host device is lost. This information is relevant to SPP Central, SSI Bluetooth Classic, and Bluetooth HID connections.
The scanner automatically tries to reconnect to a remote device when a disconnection occurs due to radio communication loss. The loss may be prompted by:
  • The scanner moving out of range.
  • The remote device powering down.
The scanner initiates a reconnection attempt based on the Auto-Reconnect parameter setting. The Reconnect Attempt Interval parameter defines the duration of the connection attempt. During reconnection, the scanner's status LED blinks blue.
If the auto-reconnect process fails due to:
  • Page Time-Outs: The scanner sounds a page timeout beep (long low, long high) and enters low power mode.
  • Connection Attempt Rejected: The scanner sounds a connection reject beep sequence (long low, long high x2) and enters low power mode.
If a barcode is scanned while the auto-reconnect sequence is in process, a transmission error beep sequence sounds, and the data is not transmitted to the host. After a connection is reestablished, normal scanning operation returns.
Switching between Bluetooth host types by scanning a host type barcode causes the radio to be reset. Scanning is disabled during this time. It takes several seconds for the scanner to re-initialize the radio, at which time scanning is enabled.