Activity Modes
Activity Modes

Activity Modes

The scanner has four Activity Modes:
  • Run Mode: The scanner is scanning or transferring data using Bluetooth.
  • Low Power Mode: The scanner enters Low Power Mode (Standby Mode) when it is idle for more than 100 milliseconds. The scanner returns to Run Mode when one of the following events occurs:
    • You press the scan trigger.
    • A paired Bluetooth device sends data to the scanner.
    • The scanner detects an NFC field.
    • The scanner is inserted into a charging slot.
  • Ship Mode: The scanner enters an extended period of inactivity and protects the battery from reaching 0%. The scanner returns to Run Mode when one of the following events occurs:
    • You press the scan trigger.
    • The scanner is inserted into a charging slot.
  • OFF Mode: The scanner battery level reaches 0%.