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Before you start

Before you start


Zebra 3S sensors are a family of products that provide high-resolution snapshot 3D area scanning. Zebra 3S provides two main families of 3D area scanning devices:
Zebra 3S80
Zebra 3S40
. Zebra 3S sensors use either Parallel Structured Light technology or sequential structured light technology to scan an entire scene. With the use of Parallel Structured Light technology, Zebra 3S80 sensors are able to scan objects that are in motion and at a faster rate (shorter exposure time), with a high degree of accuracy and resolution. Zebra 3S40 uses sequential structured light projection to scan static scenes with high resolution and quality.
All Zebra 3S sensors provide on-device laser light processing and can output the data in depth map or point cloud formats. Zebra 3S sensors can also take an image of the scene, where each pixel intensity maps to the intensity of each point in the scene; the 3S80 models can also take the image in color. Once data is processed on Zebra 3S, it is sent to a controlling computer with Aurora Design Assistant installed for further analysis. Zebra 3S sensors use a 1 Gbps Ethernet connection and can also interface with other devices using their auxiliary digital I/O lines.
Locations of apertures on Zebra 3S models