Determining the attibuteNumber Assigned to a Canopy Parameter
Determining the attibuteNumber Assigned to a Canopy Parameter

Determining the attibuteNumber Assigned to a Canopy Parameter

  1. View the attribute number assigned to parameters.
    After compiling the project, the file
    contains attributeNumbers associated with all canopy parameters.
  2. This file is auto-generated and cannot be user-modified.
    For example: in the snippet below, the attributeNumber associated with gblF1KeydemoSTRP10 is 0x8C2 (2242)
    Core/Inc/canopyAutoParams.h snippet:
  3. Get the AttributeNumber using the method GenericGetAttribtuteByName.
  4. Use GenericGetAttributeByName(..) to determine the attributeNumber. attrName is the UniqueGlobalIdentifier.