Place a 1:1 PTT Call from the Contact List
Place a 1:1 PTT Call from the Contact List

Place a 1:1 PTT Call from the Contact List

Select a contact from the Contacts or Favorites list to make a 1:1 PTT call.
  1. Locate the contact by tapping
    and select the
    tab or the
  2. Select the contact:
    • In the
      tab, select the contact from the list.
    • Search for a contact.
  3. Press and hold
    Push To Talk
  4. Begin speaking after you hear the grant tone.
  5. Release
    Push To Talk
    when you finish speaking.
  6. Tap
    End Call
    End Call
    displays the idle time and counts down, in seconds, to indicate when an inactive call ends. The default idle time is seven (7) seconds but you can change the interval in the Idle Timeout setting.