Background PTT States
Background PTT States

Background PTT States

The background PTT button includes a title and a label when active. The title and label provide additional information, such as the status of the background PTT feature, the recipient, and who is talking.


In standby mode, the title displays Standby, and the label displays Zebra PTT Pro.
Background PTT in Standby Mode
When a background call is not active, the status is Standby.
Standby Mode in the Lock Screen
Lock screen in Standby mode.


When you are speaking, the title displays You are speaking and the label displays You are speaking.
Background PTT when Speaking
The background calling feature displays whether you are talking or listening during a call.
Speaking Mode on the Lock Screen
The lock screen displays whether you are speaking or listening during a PTT call.


Idle mode occurs when a call is active, but no one is speaking. The title displays Idle, and the label displays Zebra PTT Pro.
Background PTT in Idle Mode
A background PTT call with a status of Idle.
Lock Screen in Idle Mode
Background PTT call in Idle mode on the lock screen.


When the other caller is speaking, the title displays the caller's user name followed by is speaking, and the label displays Idle.
Background PTT in Listening Mode
PTT background call when other participant is speaking.
Lock Screen in Listening Mode
Device lock screen when the other participant is speaking in a background PTT call.


When the device is in DnD mode, the title displays DnD, and the label displays Zebra PTT Pro.
Background PTT in DnD Mode
The background PTT pop-up indicates when you are in DnD mode.
Lock Screen in DnD Mode
The lock screen displays DnD mode for background calls.