Create Workcloud Communication PTT Pro Departments
Create Workcloud Communication PTT Pro Departments

Create Workcloud Communication PTT Pro Departments

If you import users into PTT Pro, the Departments (Sites) must be created before the import process.
  • The ESN Manager is a Profile Manager service that manages Site information. It can create and delete a site in Workcloud Communication PTT Pro and is the central authority for Site management.
  • ESN Manager creates a department if there is a one-to-one ratio between the PFM tenant and the PTT Pro Server Instance.
  • When multiple PTT Pro servers are served by a single PFM tenant, then the Sites need to be created in advance in ESN Manager.
If the Departments are created through ESN Manager and then deleted through the PTT Pro Management Console, those Departments are not re-recreated during import and must be manually created. If a Department does not exist, then an error is generated for each user. in the Department. The Dispatcher History displays an error:
Dispatcher History Error For No Departments
Profile Manager Dispatcher History
Click the icon to reveal the log information:
], "samaccountname": "User-009", "lastname": "LN.User-009", "password": null, "clientSettingsTemplate": "CS.Templ.1", "userroles": "role1,role2", "authenticationMethod": "OAUTH2", "phone": null, "organization": "zebra", "pbxextension": null, "department": "156-BigW", "email": "" }, "responseCode": 400, "processState": "FAILURE", "tenantId": "1", "error": { "responseBody": "{\"code\":10,\"response\":{\"message\": \"cannot create a user in PTTPRO Server\"},\"success\":false}", "statusText": "", "message": "Service error creating user.", "statusCode": 400 }