Virtual Site User
Virtual Site User

Virtual Site User

A Virtual User is one who may at any time move from one Site to another within a Region of Sites connected or related in some business function. During the original user import, the Virtual User is initially assigned to a Virtual Site, which holds the site within the collection of PFM and PTT Pro servers assigned to the region.
The Virtual User is initially imported into the system to a Virtual Site. When the Virtual Users visit a physical site, they sign in using one of the site’s devices configured specifically for that Site. The Workcloud Communication System then knows which site this Virtual User is now located and moves the User from the Virtual Site or their previously visited site into the current physical site. Then, as the Virtual User moves to another site and signs in, the Virtual User is moved to that new Site.
If a Virtual User’s Sticky element setting is set to ‘yes,’ the User remains at their currently registered site during the daily User File Import process. If the Sticky element is set to ‘no,’ the user is moved back to their originating Virtual Site.