Customer APIs
Customer APIs

Customer APIs

The Access Point Controller and the AP User Controller provide methods for managing LAS data. See Parameters for a description of the API parameters.

Access Point Controller

The Access Point controller provides methods to add, delete, and retrieve access points.
Get All Access Points
Retrieves a list of access points.
Create New Access Point Entry
Adds an access point to the LAS database.
Get Access Point by BSSID
Retrieves access point data for the specified BSSID.
Delete Access Point by BSSID
Removes the access point specified by the BSSID.
Export Access Point Entries
Exports access points to a CSV file with the same format as the import CSV file, with the addition of the Date  Added and Date Modified columns.
Import Static Access Point Tables from CSV File
Uploads a CSV file of AP data. See CSV file for the format of the CSV file.
Get All Sites
Returns all sites.

AP User Controller

The AP User controller provides methods to associate PTT Pro users with access points, delete the associates, and retrieves access point user information.
Create New Access Point User
Creates or updates the association between a user, a site, and a BSSID.
Get All Users Info for the Access Point BSSID
Returns the user and AP information for all users associated with a specific BSSID and site ID.
Get All Users Info for the List of User IDs
Returns the user and AP information for the users identified by a list of User IDs and site ID.
Get User Info for the Access Point by User ID
Provides user and AP information for the user identified by user ID and site ID.
Delete User
Remove the user identified by the site ID and user ID from LAS.