Edit or Create the Mobile Device Access Policy
Edit or Create the Mobile Device Access Policy

Edit or Create the Mobile Device Access Policy

Create a policy to control the behavior of client devices.
  1. Select
    Mobile Policy
    from the toolbar.
  2. Select the
    Allow guest mode
    checkbox under
    Access Management
    This option allows the user to exit from the IMDA launcher in guest mode without signing in.
  3. Select
    Do nothing
    Web Browser Management
  4. Under the
    section deselect
    Validate stored domain credentials before authenticating
  5. Select
    Allow lock screen customizations
    Enabling this option enables Workforce Connect notifications to display on the lock screen.
  6. Enter the Workforce Connect package name,
    , in the following fields.
    • Voice call (VoIP) apps (authentication not required to answer call)
    • Voice call (VoIP) apps (authentication required to answer call)
    • Messaging and other apps
  7. Click