Pinboard Integration - Intents/APIs to Share Call Data
Pinboard Integration - Intents/APIs to Share Call Data

Pinboard Integration - Intents/APIs to Share Call Data

Generic Intent to Get Call Data on Demand

The Voice Client exposed the following intent com.zebra.wfc.voice.GET_INFO to get the specific category of call-data count from the Voice Client on-demand basis. Any third-party applications need to follow the following-mentioned steps to get the count from the Voice Client.
Code Snippet
Intent i= new Intent("com.zebra.wfc.voice.GET_INFO"); i.putExtra("call_type", "MISSED"); //Same can be done for other call_type as well sendBroadcast(i);
  1. Register and Listen to the Following Broadcast
IntentFilter call_info= new IntentFilter(); call_info.addAction("com.zebra.wfc.voice.CALL_INFO"); registerReceiver(mReceiver,call_info); public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action= intent.getAction(); if(action.equals("com.zebra.wfc.voice.CALL_INFO")) { if (intent.hasExtra("MISSED")) { //Same can be done for other call_type as well count = intent.getIntExtra("MISSED", 0); Log.d("Call data:- "+count) } // ERROR handling if(intent.hasExtra("ERROR")){ String error= "ERROR: " + intent.getStringExtra("ERROR"); Log.d(TAG,error); } } }
The above example shows that after following the above steps, any 3rd party application can trigger an intent to receive a specific call count from Voice Client.

Generic Intent Broadcast Call information

The Voice Client exposed the intent com.zebra.wfc.voice.CALL_INFO_BROADCAST to get the specific category call data count from the Voice Client whenever there is a change in call history information.
Any third-party applications need to follow the following steps to get the count from the Voice Client.
Code Snippet to Register CALL_INFO_BROADCAST
IntentFilter call_info = new IntentFilter(); call_info.addAction("com.zebra.wfc.voice.CALL_INFO_BROADCAST"); registerReceiver(mReceiver,call_info);
Code Snippet to Listen to the CALL_INFO_BROADCAST
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action= intent.getAction(); if(action.equals("com.zebra.wfc.voice.CALL_INFO_BROADCAST")) { if (intent.hasExtra("MISSED") { //Same can be done for other Extras as well count = intent.getIntExtra("MISSED", 0); Log.d("Call data:- "+count) } } }

Generic Intent to Open Voice History Fragment

The Voice Client exposed the following intent calllog.open_history to open the Voice Client History Fragment with the specific category of filter selected option on-demand basis. Any third-party applications need to follow the following steps to request for opening Voice Client History Fragment with a specific filter set.
Code Snippet for calllog.open_history
Intent i= new
Intent("com.zebra.wfc.voice.calllog.open_history"); i.putExtra("call_type", "MISSED"); //Same can be done for other call_type as well sendBroadcast(i);