Updating Cradle Firmware

Updating Cradle Firmware

The Cradle Firmware Updater app (CradleFWUpdater) allows the manual updating of cradle firmware using the device.
  1. Go to the Zebra Support & Downloads website, zebra.com/support, or contact a Zebra Support Representative.
  2. Download the MC18CradleFWvx_x firmware file to a host computer.
  3. Using Android Debug Bridge (adb) or the sideload process, copy the firmware file to the device.
  4. Swipe up from the bottom of the Home screen and touch Cradle Frmware Updater Icon CradleFWUpdater.
    Cradle FW Updater Screenshot
    The CradleFWUpdater screen displays.
  5. Dock the device in the cradle.
  6. Select FW File location.
    The Files app opens.
  7. Select the appropriate HEX firmware file and select OK.
    The path of the selected file displays in the Input FW File text box.
  8. Verify the filename and extension.
  9. Select Program Firmware. A warning dialog displays, "Please don’t remove device from cradle until FW Update complete. Continue?."
  10. Select OK to initiate the firmware update process.
    During the firmware initiation process, the application resets the cradle. If the following error dialog displays: Please manually reset the cradle and then press OK, the user is required to manually reset the cradle.
    To manually reset the cradle:
    1. Disconnect power from the power supply unit of the cradle.
    2. Reconnect power to the power supply unit of the cradle.
    3. Select OK within 10 seconds after power on and before the LEDs on the cradle start glowing, to remove the error message and continue. Failing to select OK before the LEDs starts glowing will re-display the error message. If the user fails continuously 2 times, the firmware update process stops.
    4. If the app is successful, it will start the downloading process.
  11. After resetting the cradle, the app starts the firmware download process.
    Cradle FW Updater Downloading Screen
    Do not attempt to disconnect power from the cradle or remove the device from the cradle during a cradle firmware update. Removing the device from the cradle while the firmware update is ongoing would result in an incomplete firmware update, leaving the cradle with partial firmware. To recover from the situation of partially downloaded firmware, open the Cradle Firmware Updater app and perform a manual reset of the cradle power when alerted.
  12. When Download Complete displays on the screen, the firmware update process is completed successfully. Select Unlock Cradle to unlock and remove the device from the cradle. Select Help for app information and instructions for using the app.
    Update Completed Popup