Sensormatic EAS Beeps
Sensormatic EAS Beeps

Sensormatic EAS Beeps

The following parameters set an audible alert upon Sensormatic EAS tag detection and/or deactivation. These modes have no affect if using Checkpoint equipment.
The following table lists the programmable tag-related beeps, as well as the non-programmable EAS communication beeps.
Sensormatic Beep Types
Beep Type
Sensormatic EAS Tag-related Beeps
A soft tag is deactivated.
The scanner conclusively detected a hard tag.
A soft or hard tag is in the detected field.
A tag is not deactivated, is considered live, and the type of tag (soft or hard) cannot be determined.
Sensormatic EAS Communication Beeps
Sensormatic EAS Communication Disconnect Beep (high-low)
The scanner disconnected from the Sensormatic control box.
Sensormatic EAS Communication Reconnect Beep (low-high)
The scanner reconnected to the Sensormatic control box.