Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5) Check Digit Verification
Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5) Check Digit Verification
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Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5) Check Digit Verification
Parameter #
(SSI #31h)
This parameter enables or disables checking the integrity of all I 2 of 5 symbols to verify the data complies with either the specified Uniform Symbology Specification (USS) or the Optical Product Code Council (OPCC) check digit algorithm.
*Disable - disables checking the integrity of all I 2 of 5 symbols to verify the data complies.
USS Check Digit - enables checking the integrity of USS.
OPCC Check Digit - enables checking the integrity of OPCC.