PTT Audible Indicators

PTT Audible Indicators

Audio tones provide helpful clues when using the client.
  • Talk Tone: Double chirp. Plays when the Talk (or Private) button is pressed. This is a prompt for the user to start talking.
  • Access Tone: Single beep. Plays when another user just finished a call or response. The user is now able to initiate a Group Call or Private Response.
  • Busy Tone: Continuous tone. Plays when the Talk (or Private) button is depressed and another user is already communicating on the same talkgroup.
  • Network Tone:
    • Three increasing pitch beeps. Plays when PTT Express client has acquired the WLAN connection and the service is enabled.
    • Three decreasing pitch beeps. Plays when PTT Express client has lost a WLAN connection or the service is disabled.