Enrolling a Device to PFM and ESN When Proxy URL is Available
Enrolling a Device to PFM and ESN When Proxy URL is Available

Enrolling a Device to PFM and ESN When Proxy URL is Available

  • To enroll a device, Profile Client must be configured with Proxy URL and API key. Once it is configured, the device can be enrolled with the following command:
    adb shell am start -a com.zebra.dfs.ACTION_ENROLL_DEVICE --es store <storename>
  • If the store parameter is not passed, then the store is retrieved from the device based on the value of the parameter set for the following parameters:
    • store_ro_property
      : The RO property is retrieved from the device. The default value is dhcp.wlan0.domain
    • store_regex_pattern
      : This regex pattern is applied on RO property to extract four continuous digits. The default value is d{4}.
  • After enrolling, the Profile Client is updated with the correct pfm url and tenant id which is received from the proxy-pfm server.
Intent Definition
adb shell am start -a com.zebra.dfs.ACTION_ENROLL_DEVICE
Intent Type
Extra 0
This parameter defines the names of the store where device is enrolled.
Store ID/Store Name.
For more information about Proxy URL and API key configuration, refer to Profile Manager Proxy Installation and Deployment Guide.