Tag List Match Mode Operation
Tag List Match Mode Operation

Tag List Match Mode Operation

Tag List Match Mode
is checked on the
Application Settings
screen, the application identifies tags from a given set of tags in csv tag list format (comma separated values file). Browse to choose the csv file. The contents of the csv file displays on the
screen. By default, the application displays friendly names from csv files, if
Tag List Match Mode
is enabled. If you do not want to show friendly names, the setting can be disabled in Settings to show only EPC.
Before the inventory starts, the count is zero. The tag list can be sorted using the drop-down menu choices. Select an option to display the type of tags to show when the inventory starts.
  • All
  • Matching
  • Missing
  • Unknown
Tag List Match Mode Option Menu
Tag List Match Mode Enabled with Friendly Names
Tag List Match Mode
is enabled, the text color changes accordingly:
  • Matching = Green
  • Missing/Expected = Red
  • Unknown = Gray
While running the inventory, you can re-import the csv file from the Inventory screen, by clicking
on the Re-import Tag list match mode csv file