Battery Compatibility

Battery Compatibility

The MC3400 and MC3450 use rechargeable Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries as their main power source.
MC34 devices are compatible with:
  • MC34 7,000 mAh PowerPrecision+ extended-capacity Li-Ion battery (Battery P/N: BT-000375-0810/0A10)
  • MC34 7,000 mAh PowerPrecision+ extended-capacity Li-Ion battery with BLE beacon (Battery P/N: BT-000375-081B/0A1B)
MC34 batteries are also compatible with MC3300 and MC3300ax.
MC34 devices are also compatible with MC33 legacy batteries but with reduced ingress protection (IP) sealing:
  • MC33 7,000 mAh PowerPrecision+ extended-capacity Li-Ion battery (Battery P/N: BT-000375-10/12/60)
  • MC33 7,000 mAh PowerPrecision+ extended capacity Li-Ion battery with BLE Beacon (Battery P/N: BT-000444-10/12/60)
  • MC33 5,200 mAh PowerPrecision+ high-capacity Li-Ion battery (Battery P/N: BT-000337-00/01/02)