Creating File Shortcuts

Creating File Shortcuts

To create a shortcut to a local file:
  1. Select the Local File radio button as the shortcut type.
  2. Click
    Browse File
    and navigate to the local file.
  3. Provide a
    Shortcut name
  4. Click
    Browse Image
    and navigate to an image file to set it as the shortcut icon.
  5. Click
    Add Shortcut
    and observe the new shortcut icon on the desktop home screen.
    When adding a shortcut to a media file, the media file must be physically located at any of the following paths:
    • Internal SD card - any location (/storage/emulated/0 – root, documents, download, pictures, DCIM)
    • /enterprise/usr
    • /data/tmp/public
    To add a shortcut to a non-media file, the non-media file should be physically located at any of the following paths:
    • /enterprise/usr
    • /data/tmp/public
    When in Work Profile mode, Workstation Connect supports only /enterprise/usr and data/tmp/public folders for reading media or non-media files.
create a file shortcut