Connecting via an Android Device
Connecting via an Android Device

Connecting via an Android Device

This section provides information about Bluetooth connection to an Android device with an NFC tag.
  1. To connect:
    • For a first-time connection, tap the device tag near the reader.
      New Device Pair Prompt
      A screen capture of  the bluetooth connection screen on an android phone. The top of the screen has a dialogue box with cancel and pair options.
    • For a previously connected device, click the device title in the available devices menu.
      Device Pair Dialogue Box
      Screen Capture showing the device pair prompt options: block, cancel, pair for a previously connected device
    A dialog box will display with an NFC pair prompt.
  2. Follow the pairing instructions on the device screen.
    Device Pair Successful
    Screen Capture of Android Bluetooth device connection with FXR90 reader connected
  3. Access the reader administrator console using the Bluetooth IP address.
    Reader Administrator Console
    A screen capture of the reader administrator console on an android phone.