Setting the Region
Setting the Region

Setting the Region

For the global reader configurations, set the region of operation.
Setting the unit to a different region is illegal.
Region configuration is not available for the readers to operate in the United States (under FCC rules). Skip this step if you are configuring the readers to be used in the US.
  • Region of Operation - Select the region for the country of operation from drop-down list. This list includes regions with regulatory approval to use with the current board.
  • Communication Standard - Select the communication standard from the list of standards that the chosen region supports. If a region supports only one standard, it is automatically selected.
  • Channel Hopping - Check to select Channel Hopping. This option appears only if the chosen region of operation supports this.
  • Operating Channels - Select a subset of channels to operate (from the list of supported channels). This option appears only if the chosen region of operation supports this.
  1. Click the pencil icon in the regulatory title to open the settings editor.
    Configure Country Settings
    Configure Country Settings menu in Administrator Console
  2. In the same window, select the Communication Standard, if applicable.
  3. In the same window, select Frequency Hopping, if applicable.
  4. In the same window, select the appropriate channels if applicable.
  5. Click the check icon to finalize changes.
    The confirmation dialogue box appears.
    Regulatory Confirmation Dialogue
  6. Check the I Understand statement and click save changes.
The screen will reflect the selections.