PTT Button Configuration
PTT Button Configuration

PTT Button Configuration

PTT Lite does not provide an on-screen Push To Talk button. Users can use the Bluetooth PTT button or configure a button on the device to function as a Push To Talk.
The Zebra WS50 Android Computer provides two configurations:
  • The Wrist Mount configuration includes four buttons and the top left button is automatically configured as the PTT button.
  • The Converged Scanner configuration is worn on the operator's finger and includes a left button. The left button can be programmed to function as a PTT button.
An administrator can use StageNow to create a configuration that maps the left button of the Converged Scanner to a PTT button. For example:
<wap-provisioningdoc> <characteristic version="9.2" type="KeyMappingMgr"> <parm name="Action" value="1" /> <characteristic type="KeyMapping"> <parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="LEFT" /> <characteristic type="BaseTable"> <parm name="BaseBehavior" value="2" /> <parm name="BaseKeyCode" value="104" /> </characteristic> </characteristic> </characteristic> </wap-provisioningdoc>
The administrator can also use StageNow to create a barcode that can be scanned by the WS50 Converged Scanner to configure the PTT button.