Worker Duress and Drop Detect
Worker Duress and Drop Detect

Worker Duress and Drop Detect

Staff safety is a priority for mobile workers dealing with the public or handling money. Whether in healthcare, retail, field mobility, or warehouse, staff may find themselves in unpredictable situations, often alone.
Worker Duress enables a site manager to enable their staff to raise an alert through their mobile device when in duress or panic situations. The alert, sent to designated people, shows physical presence information about the affected staff seeking help. Once notified, the designated recipients can arrange for help.
The Worker Duress feature is integrated with
PTT Pro for Android
, which initiates an alert to members of a PTT Pro group when the designated key is pressed.
The PTT Pro client registers and listens for the intent associated with a specific button and initiates an alert whenever the intent is triggered. When the alert is triggered, recipients of the alert can respond with a PTT call to the initiator to validate duress and obtain additional information.
In addition to generating alerts triggered by a specific button, Worker Duress can also generate alerts triggered by the Drop Detection device feature.