Stage Now and MX Deployment
Stage Now and MX Deployment

Stage Now and MX Deployment

Stage Now is required to map a key or sensor to an intent.
Use a Stage Now Profile to map to the Worker Duress alert. Define the intent and the key to trigger the intent. This can be done in a variety of ways and further definition is beyond the scope of this document. Shown below is an example of the Rear Button key provisioning document. Other keys on the device can be mapped as needed.
<characteristic version="10.2" type="Intent"> <parm name="Mode" value="2" /> <parm name="KeyIdentifier" value="REAR_BUTTON" /> <parm name="KeepDeviceAwake" value="false" /> <parm name="Action3" value="Broadcast" /> <parm name="ActionName" \ value="com.symbol.wfc.pttpro.FREE_FALL_STATE_MANUALLY_TRIGGERED" /> <parm name="Package" value="com.symbol.wfc.pttpro" /> <characteristic type="Extra"> <parm name="ExtraType" value="boolean" /> <parm name="ExtraName" value="FreeFallState" /> <parm name="ExtraValue" value="true" /> </characteristic> </characteristic>