Configuring Sync Interval Frequency

Configuring Sync Interval Frequency

To optimize communication between the KIOSK and the server/portal and reduce computational load, you can adjust two configurable timers on the KIOSK:
  • 1 - 15 minutes
    - This timer, set between 1 to 15 minutes, fetches a list of users, lost devices, and other information.
  • 10 - 60 seconds
    - This timer, adjustable between 10 to 60 seconds, and updates the status of devices (available, in use, missing) to the server.
There are two methods to configure the intervals.
  1. Using MDM Managed Configurations
    Utilizing the Mobile Device Management (MDM) feature, you can send Managed Configurations to the app. This feature enables you to set interval values within the range of
    10 to 60 seconds
    1 to 15 minutes
    using the keys
    , respectively.
  2. Using JSON File
    If you do not have an MDM setup or cannot send Managed Config to the app, use a JSON file to read the values. To set the values to the intervals, use a JSON file named
    and format it as shown below.
    Place this file in the
    folder and relaunch the KIOSK app. You can only change the values for the intervals. The keys and file structure remain the same. The values listed are in milliseconds.
    The following shows the
    configuration settings.
    { "kioskConfig": { "syncIntervals": { "syncCabinetAndDeviceStatusInterval": 60000, "syncUserAndDeviceListInterval": 900000 } } }
    You can also push this JSON file from MDM. When using MDM to push the file, you must send a broadcast message to the app with the action
    after pushing the file to the KIOSK's