Setting the Icon Scale Type
Setting the Icon Scale Type

Setting the Icon Scale Type

Set the scale type for an icon using the GUI or XML.
  1. In
    UI Settings
    , select
    Edit Dashboard
    Edit In-Call
  2. Select the new button. A yellow box appears around the selected button.
  3. Touch
  4. In the
    field, select a scale type.
    • CENTER_INSIDE - Position the image in the center area above the title. The image size is equal to or less than the size of the button. This is the default scale type.
    • SCALE_CENTER - Scale the image in the center to fill the area above the title. Maintain the aspect ratio of the image.
    • FILL_CENTER - Scale in the center to fill button size (no padding) and maintain the aspect ratio. The title is at the top of the image in the center.
    • FILL_XY - Scale to fill button size (no padding) in both directions. Does not maintain aspect ratio. The title is at the top of the image in the center.
  5. Touch the
    button to return to the Zebra Voice home screen.
XML example of setting the scale type for an icon.
<Dashboard> or <CallButtons> ... <Button> <action>DIAL</action> <title>Title</title> <value></value> <icon>conference</icon> <scale>SCALE_CENTER</scale> </Button> ... <Dashboard> or <CallButtons>