Freezer Applications
Freezer Applications

Freezer Applications

Using the MC9400 in temperatures below 0°C requires some special consideration.
  • In a freezer environment, a fully charged device works for approximately three hours.
  • Moving from an area with an ambient temperature above 0℃ to the freezer may lead to condensation forming inside the scanner exit window. This has a negative impact on scanner performance. Ensure the Heater App is enabled to prevent condensation from forming.
  • Moving from a freezer to an area with an ambient temperature above 0℃ may cause condensation to form on the display.
  • Allow enough time for the condensation to completely evaporate before returning to the freezer (usually at least five minutes, depending on the use case).
    Returning to the freezer while condensation is still present on the screen will cause the condensation to freeze. It may be difficult to see what is on the display.