Wi-Fi Friendly Mode
Wi-Fi Friendly Mode
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Wi-Fi Friendly Mode

Parameter #
(SSI # F8h 05h 13h)
Scanners are configurable for Wi-Fi friendly mode.
Choose an option to enable or disable
Wi-Fi Friendly Mode
, and then see Wi-Fi Channel Exclusion to select any channels to exclude.
When using this feature, configure all scanners in the area for Wi-Fi friendly mode. By default, no Wi-Fi channels are excluded. Since Bluetooth requires a minimum of 20 channels when Wi-Fi channels 1, 6, and 11 are excluded, a smaller number of channels are cut from the hopping sequence. Updating Wi-Fi friendly settings before Bluetooth connection is recommended.
The scanner remains in sniff mode, and exits sniff mode only during firmware update. If a Wi-Fi channel is excluded from the hopping sequence, AFH turns off. Scanner (and cradle) avoid the selected Wi-Fi channels after establishing connection.
Enable Wi-Fi Friendly Mode (1)
*Disable Wi-Fi Friendly Mode (0)