Pixel Format

Pixel Format

The camera supports the following pixel formats:
  • Color model: BayerRG8, BayerRG10, BayerRG10Packed, BayerRG12, BayerRG12Packed
  • Monochrome model: Mono8, Mono10, Mono10Packed, Mono12, Mono12Packed
In the color model, the image flip function changes the Bayer array.
  • ReverseX: 0 (False) ReverseY: 0 (False) -> BayerRG
  • ReverseX: 0 (False) ReverseY: 1 (True) -> BayerGB
  • ReverseX: 1 (True) ReverseY: 0 (False) -> BayerGR
  • ReverseX: 1 (True) ReverseY: 1 (True) -> BayerBG