Automatic Logout Scenarios
Automatic Logout Scenarios

Automatic Logout Scenarios

The system automatically logs the user out when one of the below conditions occurs. The notification message describes the reason for logout unless the message is overwritten by a more recent notification.
When Imprivata is used, the Zebra Profile Client automatically signs in again after signing out.
  • If a user does not have permission for simultaneous sessions and tries to log in on a second device, the user is prompted to log out of the previous session.
  • If the user is logged in to the Zebra Profile Client and the user account is deactivated or deleted.
  • If the user is logged in to the Zebra Profile Client, the refresh token expires. See Refresh Token Expiration for more information.
  • If the device is connected to power when the
    Sign out on a power connection
    setting is enabled.
  • If the user is logged in to the Zebra Profile Client and the network is disconnected for more than 12 minutes, the user is automatically signed out when the device reconnects to the Profile Manager.
  • If the device is rebooted, the client is launched automatically when manual login is enabled. However, for BlueFletch and Imprivata, the Zebra Profile Client does not launch automatically.
  • When the Zebra Profile Client is force stopped and restarted by the user or when the Android system stops the app.
  • When the Zebra Profile Client is upgraded, the user is logged out after the upgrade is complete based on configuration force_login_after_os_kill.
  • When the device is deleted, the user signs in, and the device is signed out. In the case of OAauth, it displays an “Invalid deviceId or tenantId” message.