Enter Credentials
Enter Credentials

Enter Credentials

To enter credentials:
  1. Power on the device.
  2. Launch the Zebra Profile Client app.
  3. After launching the Profile Client, the newly introduced Data Consent screen appears.
  4. Data consent screen provides 2 buttons to perform the action by the user, as shown below
    Data Usage Consent
    • Accept—If the user clicks the Accept button, it means they agree to the above information provided as part of the Data Consent page. The user wants to continue to use the application.
    • Decline—If the user clicks the Decline button, it means the user does not want to share the information with the Zebra profile Client and does not want to continue with the application. Clicking the Decline button quits the application after showing the dialog box, as shown in the following screenshot.
    Data Consent Page Acceptance
    Sign In Screen: OAuth Authentication
  5. In the
    User ID
    box, enter the user name.
  6. In the
    box, enter a password.
  7. Click
    Sign in
    The system displays an error message
    Bad Credentials
    if you entered invalid information.
  8. If you have already logged in to Zebra Profile Client on another device and you do not have permissions for concurrent sessions set in the Zebra Profile Manager, a message appears:
    • To be automatically logged out of an active Zebra Profile Client session, you have one device, and to continue with a login on the second device you are logging into, select
    • To return to the first session already started on the other device, select
  9. If the user has permission for concurrent sessions, the system response checks for other conditions during login. (See Step 10).
  10. The device you use to log in is not set up as part of the system; an error message displays as
    Device not activated
    If your user account is removed from the system, your user license expires, or a user license is unavailable, the login process does not continue, and an error message displays as
    Device not activated
  11. After successful login, the
    Role Selection
    screen appears.
    Role Selection Screen
  12. Select the checkbox. You can select up to four roles in the
    Role Selection
    Role Selection Screen
    The normal roles and the transfer roles are sorted separately. Generally, the normal roles are on the top, whereas the transfer roles are at the bottom of the scroll list. So, users must scroll down to the bottom to find the transfer roles in the scroll list. A transfer role is an exclusive role only one user possesses at a time; if another user requests the same role, that role must be released or denied.