Error Messages and Suggested Solutions
Error Messages and Suggested Solutions

Error Messages and Suggested Solutions

Error Messages and Suggested Solutions
Error Message(s)
Possible Cause(s)
Suggested Solution(s)
Please configure the server address in the application settings.
The URL to the Profile Manager is missing or incorrect.
Settings > Server connection > Server URL
and enter the Profile Manager URL. When the device is configured through a JSON file, the format of the URL is: “sfs_url”: “https:// <server>
Phone state permission is mandatory to continue.
The user did not permit the Zebra Voice Client to make and manage calls.
Grant all permissions to the Zebra Voice Client when installing the app.
Invalid tenant ID or device ID.
The Tenant ID or device serial number is not recognized by the Profile Manager.
The Tenant ID in the Profile Manager is labeled as the Customer ID in the JSON file, "customer_id": "1234", and must match.
This error may also indicate that the device serial number is not correct in the Device table of the Profile Manager.
Not connected to the server.
Occurs when the network connection is lost and or when the Profile Manager URL is missing or incorrect.
This may also be observed during initial sign-on when reconnecting to the Profile Manager.
Check that the network connection is available and verify that the server URL is correct.
This message is displayed in the network disconnect bar.
By default, the network disconnect bar is hidden. The administrator can change the visibility of the bar with the
suppress_network_disconnect _bar
parameter in the JSON file. See the Workcloud Communication Profile Manager Administrator Guide for more information.
Invalid username or password. Error=400.
The username or password is wrong.
Try Again
and enter the correct username and password.
User has not been created in the system as a device user.
Occurs when the user logs in to the IDP but the user account does not exist in the Profile Manager.
The customer administrator must create a user account in the Profile Manager. Users are added to the Profile Manager through import jobs. Run the job again to verify the user is added.
Please connect the device to the network.
The user uses the Zebra Voice or Zebra PTT Pro app when the network connection is lost.
Re-connect the device to the network.
Cannot reach the server. Connection timed out.
Occurs when the server connection is not established or the URL is wrong.
Check the Profile Manager URL is correct and verify the network connection.
You cannot select more than 4 roles.
The user selects more than four roles.
The Profile Client supports a maximum of four roles.
User profile response timed out.
This occurs when the Profile Client does not receive a response from the Profile Manager.
Try again to connect or verify the user account in the Profile Manager. If that fails, try an account that is known to work.
Device profile response timed out.
Occurs when the Profile Client does not receive a response for the device request. As a result, the login screen is not displayed.
Try to connect again.
Role profiles not configured properly.
This occurs when the Profile Client does not receive a response for the selected role.
The Profile Manager administrator should verify that roles are properly configured. This can be observed if the Roles, Configuration Profiles, and/or Rules have a configuration error and are undeliverable to the client.
Please install the Imprivata application or contact the administrator for more details.
It occurs when the Profile Manager is configured for Imprivata authentication and the Imprivata client is not installed.
Install and configure the Imprivata application. Verify that the Tenant ID specified by the Profile Client is correct.
Invalid access token or Invalid access token due to token mismatch.
This occurs when the token expires in the Profile Manager, and the device sends a message with an expired, invalid, or wrong token.
Select Try Again to log out the user. When the user logs in, the device receives a valid token.
You will be logged out from the other device. Would you like to continue with login?
Occurs when the user logs in to another device while still logged in to the first device.
A user can only be logged in to one device. Click
to log in to the new device and log out of the current device, or click
to stay logged in to the current device.
Valid license is not available. Please contact your administrator.
The Profile Client license has expired.
Contact your administrator.
The extension for < selected role name> is not available.
No extensions are available for the selected role.
to proceed without the extension or click
Select Role
to select a different role.
The Contact List could not be retrieved. Please contact your admin to provide Site_id and define the IP range in the Extension Manager and Re-Login. Error=210.
Site ID or IP address is not configured to retrieve contacts.
Contact your administrator.
Extensions could not be retrieved. Please contact your admin to provide Site_id and define the IP range in the Extension Manager and Re-Login. Error=211 for <selected role name>.
Site ID or IP address is not configured to get extensions.
Contact your administrator.
The group <selected role name> doesn’t exist in Zebra PTT Pro. The user won’t be added to it. Please contact your admin to add the group to Zebra PTT Pro and Re-Login.
The selected group is not configured in Zebra PTT Pro for a user to be added (212).
Contact your administrator.
Please configure the server address in the application settings.
Occurs when the URL Profile Manager is not entered.
Settings > Server connection > Server
URL and enter the URL Profile Manager.
The device is not activated. Please contact your administrator.
There is no license available for this device, and the device limit for a license is exceeded.
Contact your administrator.