Transfer Role
Transfer Role

Transfer Role

If a user requests to transfer a role that has already been acquired by another user, a notification message is sent to the user who has already acquired the same role to approve or deny the transfer. The role is automatically transferred if the user does not act within the stipulated time set at the tenant configuration.
A priority notification appears to the user who has already acquired the role earlier with a sound and vibration to notify the user that there is some urgency to act.
After the role is transferred to another user, remaining roles are re-applied.
A role can be set as a type
Transfer Role
in the Profile Manager. Refer to the Zebra Profile Manager Server Guide for details.
If a user is already logged in and the type of role is changed from non-transferable to transferable, the changes are not reflected. The user must sign out and sign in again to reflect the new role type changes for the user. Role Transfer is automatically rejected if the role owner is in a call or DND mode.
At a time, the user can apply a maximum of one role to transfer.
Role Transfer Screen