Setting | Command | Pulse Duration | Default Value | Max. Value | Description |
Job Result | Pass | 100 | - | - | This command triggers the following peripherals according to their configuration:
Job Result | Fail | 200 | - | - | This command triggers the following peripherals according to their configuration:
Status Green | Trigger | 300 | - | - | This command causes one green flash of the status indicators. The Status Duration value determines the duration of the flash. |
Status Red | Trigger | 400 | - | - | This command causes one red flash of the status indicators. The Status Duration value determines the duration of the flash. |
Speaker | Trigger | 500 | - | - | This command causes one beep of the speaker according to its configuration for Volume, Tone, and Duration. |
Speaker | High | 600 | - | - | This command sets the volume of the sound output of the speaker to 100% of max power. |
Speaker Volume | Medium | 700 | - | - | This command sets the volume of the sound output of the speaker to 50% of max power. |
Speaker Volume | Low | 800 | - | - | This command sets the volume of the sound output of the speaker to 25% of max power. |
Speaker Volume | High | 900 | - | - | This command sets the tone of the sound output of the speaker to 3367 Hz. |
Speaker Tone | Medium | 1000 | - | - | This command sets the tone of the sound output of the speaker to 3000 Hz. |
Speaker Tone | Low | 1100 | - | - | This command sets the tone of the sound output of the speaker to 2673 Hz. |
Speaker Duration | Long | 1200 | - | - | This command sets the duration of the sound output of the speaker to 90 ms. |
Speaker Duration | Medium | 1300 | - | - | This command sets the duration of the sound output of the speaker to 60 ms. |
Speaker Duration | Short | 1400 | - | - | This command sets the duration of the sound output of the speaker to 30 ms. |
Status Green | Pass Enable | 1500 | - | - | This command configures the status indicators to turn on when the job result is a pass. |
Status Green | Pass Disable | 1600 | - | - | This command configures the status indicators to remain off when the job result is a pass. |
Status Red | Fail Enable | 1700 | - | - | This command configures the status indicators to turn on when the job result fails. |
Status Red | Fail Enable | 1800 | - | - | This command configures the status indicators to remain off when the job result fails. |
Speaker | Pass Enable | 1900 | - | - | This command configures the speaker to beep when the job result is a pass. |
Speaker | Pass Disable | 2000 | - | - | This command configures the speaker to never beep when the job result is a pass. |
Laser Aimer | Enable | 2100 | - | - | This command activates the laser aimers. The light ensures that the laser aimers are turned off for the duration of the strobe pulse. |
Laser Aimer | Disable | 2200 | - | - | This command deactivates the laser aimers. |
Hidden Strobe | Enable | 2300 | - | - | This command activates the hidden strobe feature. |
Hidden Strobe | Disable | 2400 | - | - | This command deactivates the hidden strobe feature. |
Pass Output | Enable | 2500 | - | - | This command deactivates the hidden strobe feature. |
Pass Output | Disable | 2600 | - | - | This command disables the job pass signal (PASS_OUT) sent as an output from the light when the Job Result: Pass command is received. |
Pass Output Polarity | Active High | 2700 | - | - | This command configures the job pass output (PASS_OUT) as an active high signal. |
Pass Output Polarity | Active Low | 2800 | - | - | This command configures the job pass output (PASS_OUT) as an active low signal. |
Pass Output Duration | Set Duration | 2900 | 10 ms | 1000 ms | This command sets the duration of the job pass signal to be equal to the duration of the subsequent pulse. |
Fail Output | Enable | 3000 | - | - | This command enables the job fail signal (FAIL_OUT) to be sent as an output from the light when the Job Result: Fail command is received. |
Fail Output | Disable | 3100 | - | - | This command disables the job fail signal (FAIL_OUT) to be sent as an output from the light when the Job Result: Fail command is received. |
Fail Output Polarity | Active High | 3200 | - | - | This command configures the job fail output (FAIL_OUT) as an active high signal. |
Fail Output Polarity | Active Low | 3300 | - | - | This command configures the job fail output (FAIL_OUT) as an active low signal. |
Fail Output Duration | Set Duration | 3400 | 10 ms | 1000 ms | This command sets the job fail signal's duration equal to the subsequent pulse's duration. |
Status - Hold | Enable | 3500 | - | - | This command sets the status indicator lights to hold either green or red, depending on pass or fail, until the following image capture. When enabled, the time per flash and the number of flashes of the status indicators should automatically lock in the UI. |
Status - Hold | Disable | 3600 | - | - | This command disables the Hold Until Next Trigger feature. The time per flash and the number of flashes will dictate the behavior of the status indicators on a pass or fail when this feature is disabled. |
Status Duration | 50 ms | 3700 | - | - | This command sets the Time per Flash of the status indicators to 50 ms. |
Status Duration | 100 ms | 3800 | - | - | This command sets the Time per Flash of the status indicators to 100 ms. |
Status Duration | 200 ms | 3900 | - | - | This command sets the Time per Flash of the status indicators to 200 ms. |
Status Duration | 300 ms | 4000 | - | - | This command sets the Time per Flash of the status indicators to 300 ms. |
Status Duration | 400 ms | 4100 | - | - | This command sets the Time per Flash of the status indicators to 400 ms. |
Status Duration | 500 ms | 4200 | - | - | This command sets the Time per Flash of the status indicators to 500 ms. |
Status Flashes | 1 | 4300 | - | - | This command sets the number of flashes of the status indicators for each job result to 1. |
Status Flashes | 2 | 4400 | - | - | This command sets the number of flashes of the status indicators for each job result to 2. |
Status Flashes | 3 | 4500 | - | - | This command sets the number of flashes of the status indicators for each job result to 3. |
Status Flashes | 4 | 4600 | - | - | This command sets the number of flashes of the status indicators for each job result to 4. |
Status Flashes | 5 | 4700 | - | - | This command sets the number of flashes of the status indicators for each job result to 5. |
Status Flashes | 6 | 4800 | - | - | This command sets the number of flashes of the status indicators for each job result to 6. |
Pass Output Delay | Set Delay | 4900 | 0 ms | 1000 ms | This command sets the delay of the job pass signal to equal the duration of the subsequent pulse - 100us. For example, a pulse of 100us equates to zero delay, and a pulse of 350us equates to a 250us delay. |
Fail Output Delay | Set Delay | 5000 | 0 ms | 1000 ms | This command sets the delay of the job fail signal equal to the duration of the subsequent pulse - 100us. For example, a pulse of 100us equates to zero delay, and a pulse of 350us equates to a 250us delay. |