Adjusting the Printhead Pressure

Adjusting the Printhead Pressure

If positioning the toggles properly does not solve a print quality or other issue, try adjusting the printhead pressure. Maximize printhead life by using the lowest pressure that produces the desired print quality.
  1. Initiate a PAUSE Self-Test.
  2. While printing labels, use the control panel to lower the darkness setting until the labels are printing gray instead of black. (See
    Print Quality
    in Print Menu.)
  3. Check if you experiencing any of the following issues:
    If the media...
    Requires higher pressure overall to print well...
    Increase the pressure on both toggles.
    Requires lower pressure overall to print well...
    Decrease the pressure on both toggles.
    Prints too lightly on the left side of the label...
    Increase the pressure on the inside toggle.
    Prints too lightly on the right side of the label...
    Increase the pressure on the outside toggle.
    Shifts left while printing...
    Increase the pressure on the outside toggle OR decrease the pressure on the inside toggle.
    Shifts right while printing...
    Increase the pressure on the inside toggle OR decrease the pressure on the outside toggle.
    If none of these issues exist, do not continue with this procedure.
  4. To make adjustments to the printhead pressure, loosen the upper knurled nut on the toggle to be adjusted.
  5. Increase or decrease the pressure by rotating the lower nut. Rotate clockwise to increase the pressure (as shown below on the left) and counterclockwise to decrease the pressure (as shown below on the right).
  6. Hold the lower nut in place and tighten the upper knurled nut.
  7. If necessary, re-initiate a PAUSE Self-Test.
  8. While printing labels, use the control panel to raise the darkness setting until the labels are again printing black instead of gray.  (See
    Print Quality
    in Print Menu.)
  9. Check the print quality, and if necessary, repeat this procedure until the printhead pressure is adequate.