Changing External User Names to Friendly Names
Changing External User Names to Friendly Names

Changing External User Names to Friendly Names

Users that send messages through a Twilio Connector or an Infobip Connector are added to ZEMS as external users, and their login names are set to a random string. You can change the random string to a recognized name. The new name is used in the Conversation view of the
ZEMS Administrator Portal
, the
ZEMS Web Client
, and the Recent view of the
Workcloud Communication PTT Pro
  1. Select the connector where you want to change the login names:
    • For Twilio, select
      Twilio Connectors
      and select a Twilio connector.
    • For Infobip, select
      Infobip Connectors
      and select the Infobip connector.
  2. The connector opens and lists the external users who have sent messages.
  3. Select the string in the
    column and enter a recognizable name.
    In the example below, the external user name for a Twilio user is changed to
    Friendly Name
    Change the name of the external user to a friendly name.