Portal Users
Portal Users

Portal Users

Add portal users to help manage your ZEMS data.
dialog includes the fields listed below. All fields are required.
Portal User Role
Specify a role for the portal user.
First Name
The first name of the user.
Last Name
The last name of the user.
Login Name
Name the user enters to log in to the portal.
The email address for the user. The email address must be valid because a user can reset their password by email.
Add Portal User
Dialog with fields to add a portal user to the ZEMS Portal
The following roles are available for portal users.
Portal User Roles in ZEMS
  • Create, edit, and delete regions and sites
  • Create, edit, and delete webhooks
  • Create, edit, and delete IWG endpoints
  • Send messages and announcements to IWG endpoints
  • Add, edit, and remove portals users
  • Create, edit, and delete regions and sites
  • Create, edit, and delete webhooks
  • Create, edit, and delete IWG endpoints
  • Send messages and announcements to IWG endpoints
  • View regions and sites
  • View webhooks
  • View IWG endpoints